SCHOOL Holiday programs
april dates open now
Messy Play, Creativity, Easter FUN, Workshops and nature adventures
This program is designed to have something for everyone (almost). Book your kids in with a friend, or meet new ones on the day.
INFO for 2-7 years
Options for 2-7yo with a known adult staying onsite with them. Therefore this is NOT a drop-off session- more like our normal Bush Kindy. If you are booking for an adult to stay onsite, please include their medical information as well as the child's.
Tuesday 8th April at Peacehaven Park
INFO for 5-11yo
Options for 5-11 year olds. These are drop off programs for children who are able to be safe in this environment and be away from their parents/carers.
Wednesday 9th April at Williams Park 9-3pm OR 9-12pm half day
Options available:
Drop-off sessions- 8am to 4pm- earlier drop off and later pickup at a cost of $30- if you would like to utilise this service, please tick the box when booking.
Each day will be slightly different, so you can book one or more days knowing your child will further develop their workshop skills (eg use similar hand tool skills required to create different things).
what to expect
A mixture of workshops and nature play/adventure time each day…
Using hand tools, whittling wood, nature crafts.
We will teach your child the skills for safe use of a whittling knife and hand tools, as well as some easy tricks of the trade. They can spend time practising these, then create particular projects. Your child can learn new skills and create their way to something they can cherish forever.
Nature Play/ Adventure Time:
Large ‘loose parts’ area, shelters, pulleys, challenges, nature play in a brilliant location, bushwalks and general adventure!
what to bring:
water bottle, food for the duration
sun-safe, comfortable, older clothes that can get dirty and/or wet
hat and closed in shoes(compulsory for some activities)
spare clothes and a pair of shoes that can get wet in the creek
sunscreen & insect repellent
clothes appropriate for the weather on the day eg wet weather gear, jumper, sun safe clothing.
frequently asked questions:
Do I have to book both/all days or just one?
Come to one or more. Each day will be different. Booking more days would allow your child to hone their workshop skills and build on any play started on the first day, but this is completely up to you and your circumstances.
How many spots do you have?
We can have a maximum of 12 kids each day for drop-off and 22 children for non drop off. We may choose not to go to maximum numbers based on activities, staff, location and child needs as bookings come in.
My child has allergies/ a medical condition/ some behaviour challenges- can they still come?
Usually YES- just please specify this in your booking form or contact us first - chrissie@playfulbynature.com.au or 0409 081 173.. It is important that children will be successful in this environment so ensuring that your child’s behaviours will not pose a safety risk to themselves or the group is essential. If there’s anything you are concerned about or want to chat through, contact us before booking and we can discuss your circumstances and make a plan. Please note we will not keep or give out medication to children. Staff are up to date in asthma, first aid, CPR and epipen training, and have a wealth of experience working with a variety of children.
How do you keep kids safe with tools, fire and whittling knives?
With low participant:staff ratios, highly trained staff and workshopping beginners skills. For example, when we give a child a whittling knife, it is after a full safety brief, and then we supervise at 1 adult: 1child while they learn. Only after we believe they are understanding the rules, will we start another child on 1:1 lesson. We have strict numbers at each activity, and we do not have all riskier activities out at once. For example whittling will not be on at the same time as tools. This is part of the reason we keep numbers low.
Is my 5 or 6 year old capable of success in workshops?
Believe it or not, most are. We see children as capable of much more than we think, with the right facilitation, support and practise. What you see as ‘success’ might be different to them, but all the while building persistence, concentration, sense of self worth and pride at their finished project, done ‘all by themselves’. We have chosen our projects based on ages of the children.
Can I stay with my child in the drop-off program?
We need both you and your child to feel confident about the day at Holiday Program. If that means you stay for a short while to settle them in, we encourage that. What you can’t do is stay all day (there are exceptions to this but must be discussed before the day please). If you are booking in for the 2-6yo session, then we need you to stay with your child as drop-off is not available for this session.
Can I drop off my confident 4yo?
Unfortunately, no. Minimum age is 5 years old for drop-off sessions due to the nature of our activities, and needing a level of independence.